I love entrepreneurs. There is something about them: effecting change against all odds.
You can find entrepreneurs everywhere. Inside organisations they innovate and fight to bring the organisation along. Or as startup founders, in search for their first paying customer. Occami is my company and I’m here to help you. With over 25 years of experience in the public and private sector – I know the challenges and how to overcome them.
No matter the challenge, I focus on inspiring and driving practical and enduring results, equipping my clients to grow and lead.
Entrepreneurship training.
Tailored multi day boot camps from early stage ideation to scale up. For high tech startups and in-company innovation programs. From first plan to customer discovery to locking in the first deals to valuation and funding.
Presentation training
Become a better communicator and present your business better.
Moderator (Day chairman)
Focus on active participation, while I make sure your event runs smoothly.
Coaching & mentoring
Longer term support, helping you keep your eyes on the ball. Whether individual or in groups.
Consultancy & project management
Helping you develop your innovation strategy and getting it in place. For your organisation or in complex public-private environments.
I have delivered my boot camps & training sessions around the world.
I always know I can count on you to pick up the phone when we need it most, and I understand how rare that is. Thank you for taking us under your wing.
I just want to let you know that the courses you delivered as our coach were really really good. Your way of teaching is great and I couldn’t have wished for anyone else!
His focus and concentration as well as his humour, but first of all his attention to detail in each and every case.
Real coach personality. Full of energy. Very broad knowledge, good communication style.
He knows how to deliver what he is thinking, so that people can grasp it. Didn’t judge. Truthful.
He was absolutely engaging. These 2 days were full of excitement. I really enjoyed it!
He was so enthusiastic, well prepared and friendly, helpful.
Hans is an amazing guy (not lying:))!, the way he talks and gives examples about real life cases thought me a lot! Thanks again.
Passion, humour and personal experiences. He’s a great teacher.
He is easy to follow and knows how to connect with his audience.
I like his style of communication, his passion, openness and willingness to help.
Created really nice and open environment for communicating.
Created interactive atmosphere; responded to questions clearly and in a timely manner; enthusiastic, experienced and open.
We went through an extremely steep learning curve as we got inputs from a different angle.
Excellent. I liked the interactive approach where we were given time to work indepedently and ask for questions, with the answers being “tailored” to the specific nature of each project. There were many funny moments, thanks!
Great easy-going spirit, and memorable tips to take away.
Thanks again for this boot camp. I gained so many insights in just two days, incredible! Keep up the good work!
Presented eloquently with personal touches and constant discussion about relevant real world examples.